Where we are

Where to Park

A few meters from the property, you will find a covered parking lot reserved for our guests, available for a fee (€10 per day). The parking is located in the heart of the Sassi di Matera.


From the Adriatc

From the Adriatc A14 Bologna – Bari - take the Bari Nord (north) exit and follow the SS 96 in the direction for Altamura and then take SS 99 Altamura - Matera

From the Tyrrhenian:

A3 Salerno – Reggio Calabria take the exit for Sicignano and follow SS 407 Basentana in the direction for Ferradina and then SS 7 Appia until you reach Matera

From Jonica

Exit at Sibari and follow the SS 106 Jonica for Metaponto and then the SP 175 Metaponto - Matera

From Bari Palese Airport

Take the shuttle bus directly to Matera. If you are hiring a car from the airport, follow the SS 96 for Altamura and then SS 99 Altamura - Matera

From the Adriatic Coast

Bari station 60 kilometres away from Matera. From Bari station continue your journey either on the local bus service or the train service (Ferrovie Appulo Lucane).

From the Tyrrhenian

Ferrandina Scalo railway station is 35 kilometres away from Matera. From this station, continue with the Ferrandina Scalo regional bus service to Matera.

From Metaponto

Metaponto Railway Station is 45 kilometres away from Matera. From this station continue your journey on the regional Metaponto bus service to Matera.